While at the dumpsters this week, I recognised the very nice man there, but couldn’t remember from where I knew him.  Reyes told me that he used to drive a taxi, but had lost his hearing.  This made me so sad.  We would like to ask for donations to have him seen by a doctor to determine if a reasonably priced hearing aid would help him.  We are currently providing the metal framing and roofing for people without decent roof to escape the wet weather.  We also continue our Despensa Project, feeding now 12 families weekly and 25 families every 2 weeks.  Donations are GRATEFULLY received and absolutely necessary for us to continue to do this work.  Thank you to all who have heeded our pleas and answered!?❤

If you should wish to donate to this project you can either send your donation to my PayPal, lramsey26@yahoo.com, or Les Pearson will pick up your donation at a place of your choosing or you can give a check through St. Paul’s Church’s community giving program by putting “Lynn Ramsey, Despensa Project “ on the memo line.

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