To all who have donated to this project, we are so very grateful!  This morning we delivered our enhanced despensas to Carmen for distribution to her elderly neighbors and to the dumpsters we took an array of food stuffs including fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, beans, rice, oil, cereal, milk, juice, pasta, sauce, soup base, cookies and popcorn for the kids, tortillas and hygiene items.  These sweet  people will eat well this week!  We also took them an EcoStove to cook their food on, several bags of clothing and a small toy for each child.  

It is because of the wonderful community support that we have had that we can make these deliveries each week to someone in dire need.  We are so grateful to those of you who have shown that you really do care about your needy and hungry neighbors.  No one should have to go hungry……EVER!!  

At this time, we are in the process of providing 5 metal roof shelters to 4 families at the village Morales and one to the folks at the dumpsters.  They will cost $250 USD each.  These are being provided to people who have NO shelter from the rains.  After these first 5, we will try for 5 more at the village, until all at the village have a small place to stay dry.  At the same time, we must save back enough to provide the despensas.   

If you should wish to donate to this project you can either send your donation to my PayPal,, or Les Pearson will pick up your donation at a place of your choosing or you can give a check through St. Paul’s Church’s community giving program by putting “Lynn Ramsey, Despensa Project “ on the memo line.

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