We were able to provide despensas for 15 village families, 10 for the elderly and disabled, and 15 adults and children at the Rodriguez dumpsters.  This week Reyes’ wife, Susie, helped us out with deliveries and Reyes picked up 2 beds and a truckload of clothes and toys for children from Paul and Sophia Escott’s moving sale!  A big thanks to John Streather, a friend and fellow parishioner at St. Paul’s Church, who went to this sale (in my absence) and secured these purchases so we would not miss out on such a great opportunity to access these needed items!  The last picture, (if you enlarge the picture and look closely) is of the roof we were able to provide for the people who live at the dumpsters.  The walls were already there, but they had no roof.  Now, thanks to all of the wonderful people who help us help others, they have a big roofed space to escape the rains.  Our next project there is to provide them with bags of cement so that they might replace the current dirt floor with cement.  We have thus provided 4 families with lamina and/or  frames for roof construction.  We have plans for 3 more roofs and we have ordered 5 more Eco-Stoves.

If you want to help, please leave your donations with Claudia in the Parish Office.  Make your checks to St. Paul’s Church and put Lynn Ramsey/Despensa Project on the memo line!

Lynn Ramsey
Les Pearson
Reyes Ortiz

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