Learning a language is an affair of the heart. I did not fall for German in seventh grade at Ridgeview Junior High despite Miss Steinhaus’s svelte appearance and academic encouragement. What would have happened if, at that tender age, I’d enrolled instead in Spanish? Señor Rodriguez had seemed wound awfully tight, and Miss Steinhaus then presented as the better bet; though one year of German did me in.
My first linguistic crush came in college as I ventured classical Greek, and my heart fully quickened when introduced to the vulgar Koine of the New Testament in seminary. I prefer to think I was fired up in seminary, not because Koine Greek is vulgar, but because it was the language in which the Epistles of St. Paul, the synoptic Gospels, the mystical heights of St. John, and all other musing over the meaning of Christ were penned.
Language is about much more than a strict conveyance of information. There is context, nuance, argots and subtlety. To indwell a language not one’s own is to sip the liquor of a culture to which one has not been born, and to glimpse the lay of the land behind the eyes of a stranger. Blessed are those born to bilingualism, for their souls shall venture far realms.
When in Haiti, I studied Creole, and when in Turkey, Turkish. It seemed the courteous thing to do, and I managed enough of each to accomplish essentials. “Akşam yemeğı ıçın çok teşekkqür ederım…allahasismarladik” Thanks much for dinner…have a good evening!”

Spanish came as an arranged marriage. At some point in Turkish class at Incirlik it dawned on me that there were few Turks back home in LA, and a very great many Armenians. Acquired spoken Turkish would be of limited use, and perhaps, uttered in public, place one in peril. (I proved my own suspicion once by using Turkish words to request Armenian food in a Middle Eastern restaurant in Pasadena which looked, to my eyes, identical to the Turkish version). “You may leave now, sir” the waiter’s glare told me. Por personas afligidas (For afflicted people |

St. Paul’s Anglican Church Calzada del Cardo, 6 Centro 37700, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico 415.121.3424 www.StPaulSMA.com |