(Español abajo)
Bishop Alba Sally Sue Hernández García was born on June 23, 1977, in Mexico City. Her formation in the Licentiate of Theology was at the Seminary of San Andrés, Mexico City and at Ripon College in Oxford, England. She was ordained to the diaconate on September 3, 2006, to the priesthood on April 28, 2007 and to the episcopate on January 29, 2022.
She is the VII Bishop of the Diocese of Mexico, based in Mexico City. The jurisdiction of the diocese covers Mexico City as well as six states: Michoacán, Hidalgo, Querétaro, Guanajuato (San Miguel de Allende), the state of Mexico, and Tlaxcala.
Her ministerial experience has been as Dean of the Cathedral of San José de Gracia, as formator and chaplain at St. Andrew's Seminary, as pastoral officer diocesan youth and pastoral care for women.
She is a member of some provincial and extra-provincial committees and commissions as a: member of the TEC-IAM Bilateral Committee; participant in the Education Commission Theological for the Anglican Communion (CTEAC) and representative of the Anglican Church of Mexico before the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission, (IARCCUM).
She is currently trying to focus joint efforts on the work axes of this episcopal period to strengthen the mission and ministry of the Church in the Diocese of Mexico, promoting the marks of the mission of the church through social ministry, comprehensive and inclusive; continuing education and self-care of clergy, encouraging leadership layperson; encourage actions in favor of the care of creation and open spaces for proposals creative in the use of the goods and facilities of each congregation to reach their car sustainability.
She has a cat called Thomas (Pelitos) and likes to watch action movies and series. She acts and enjoys being with God's family, friends, and people.
(English above)
Mi nombre es Alba Sally Sue Hernández García, nací el 23 de junio de 1977, en la Ciudad de México.
Mi formación en la Licenciatura de Teología fue en el Seminario de San Andrés, Ciudad de México y en el Ripon College, Oxford Inglaterra. Fui ordenada al Diaconado el 3 de septiembre de 2006, al presbiterado el 28 de abril de 2007 y al episcopado el 29 de enero de 2022.Soy la VII Obispa de la Diócesis de México, con sede en la Ciudad de México. La jurisdicción de la diócesis abarca seis estados de la República y la Ciudad de México. Los estados son: Estado de México, Michoacán, Hidalgo, Querétaro, Guanajuato (San Miguel de Allende) y Tlaxcala.
Mi experiencia ministerial ha sido como Deán de la Catedral de San José de Gracia, como formadora y capellana en el Seminario de San Andrés, como oficial de la pastoral juvenil diocesana y de la pastoral para mujeres.
Soy miembro de algunos comités y comisiones provinciales y extraprovinciales como: miembro del Comité Bilateral TEC-IAM; participante en la Comisión de Educación Teológica para la Comunión Anglicana (CTEAC) y representante de la Iglesia Anglicana de México ante el International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission, (IARCCUM).
Actualmente estoy procurando enfocar los esfuerzos conjuntos en los ejes de trabajo de este periodo episcopal para fortalecer la misión y ministerio de la Iglesia en la Diócesis
de México, impulsando las marcas de la misión de la iglesia a través del ministerio social, integral e incluyente; la educación continua y cuidado personal del clero, alentar el liderazgo laico; animar acciones en favor del cuidado de la creación y abrir espacios para propuestas creativas en el uso de los bienes e instalaciones de cada congregación para alcanzar su auto sustentabilidad.
Tengo un gato que se llama Thomas (Pelitos), me gustan las series y películas de acción y disfruto estar con la familia, los amigos y el pueblo de Dios.
Woodward was born in Pennsylvania and grew up in Columbus, Ohio. He graduated from Ohio University, received an M.A. in Theology from Ashland Theological Seminary, and an M.Div. from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Chicago.
Following graduation from Seminary in 1983 he was called as Associate Rector to All Saints-by-the-Sea in Montecito, Santa Barbara, serving for five years. He thereafter spent two years in the Republic of Turkey as Assistant to the Archdeacon for the Aegean, working as a civilian chaplain at Incirlik Air Force Base in southeastern Turkey, and at the British Embassy Chapel of St. Nicholas in Ankara.
Upon returning to the United States in 1991 he was called as Rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Apple Valley, during which time he was also Dean of the Eastern Deanery of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
In 1995 Woodward became the Seventh Rector of St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church, San Marino, California (1995 – 2018). For many years he served on the Board of Hillsides Home for Children, Pasadena; as Chair of the Diocesan Program Group on Global Partnership; and as the Vice President for Foundation Cristosal, a Human Rights Organization based in El Salvador. He was named a Canon of the Diocese of Los Angeles in 2011, and a Canon of the Diocese of El Salvador in 2014.
In 2018 he was called as the Seventh Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México.
Woodward is the co-author with Bishop Frederick H. Borsch of ‘Introducing The Lessons of The Church Year’ 2009, and the author of ‘Prayers of The People’ St. Mark’s Press, 2016 and other works of poetry and short fiction.
Assistant Priest
Father Miguel Rangel was ordained as a priest on July 22, 2023, in St. Paul´s church by our bishop Alba Sally Sue Garcia Hernandez.
Prior to that, he has been involved with with Pro Musica A.C. for 12 years, supporting their classical music series at St. Paul's. Miguel's favorite pastimes are playing the piano, tennis, cycling, and, of course, his spending with his lovely wife Karina and their two cheerful children, Emiliano and Sofia, who are his motivation and reason to get up every morning and go to work.
Miguel is the legal representative of St. Paul's and parish administrator, responsible for office management systems, scheduling, coordinating activities and oversight of administrative matters and finance.
Miguel began to work at St. Paul´s Church in October 2015. In 2018 he pursued a call to Holy Orders within the Anglican Communion. He and his family were confirmed into the Anglican Church by Bishop Carlos Touche-Porter in 2018.
Assisting Priest (non-stipendiary)
A native of Connecticut, Frank Hebert was raised in an observant Roman Catholic household and earned a B.A. Mus degree in Music Education from Bucknell University. From a young age, he was already in a leadership role in church, serving from age 18 as an organist and later choir director at congregations in CT, PA, and NY. After graduation, he worked at two different private schools, teaching Music, English, drama, and creative writing, running a boy’s dormitory, and directing a performing arts summer program. Concurrently, he earned the MALS degree in Literature and Arts from Wesleyan University.
After a move to California, he entered the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (Episcopal) in Berkeley, where his interest in the global Church was sparked. He studied Spanish privately, then at the UC before being awarded a scholarship to language school in Cuernavaca. Upon his return to the US, he worked as a seminary intern at St. Matthew’s Church in National City, CA, a bi-lingual and multicultural congregation south of San Diego. Subsequent to his ordination at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego, he was hired as Curate at Christ Church in Coronado, CA where he spent 17 months before a call to the Diocese of New Jersey where he served 23 years, first at Holy Trinity Church in Wenonah, then at St. Peter’s Church in Freehold.
During his tenure at St. Peter’s he led a capital campaign that raised over $1M from public & private sources to restore the church’s historic colonial edifice. He continued his interest in the global and multicultural church, taking a sabbatical in the Dominican Republic to study Spanish and assist at an inner-city church in Santiago, after which he started a weekly Spanish language Holy Eucharist for the migrants residing in Freehold. During a mission trip to Africa he was awarded the honorary title of Canon of the Cathedral Church of the Ascension in Wiawso, Ghana. In 2012 he was called to be the Rector of Christ Church in Mexico City, where he served for six years before his retirement. In retirement he taught adult classes of English as a foreign language at the Anglo-Mexican Foundation.
Frank is the father of two adult daughters, Anne and Julian. He lives with his partner Ariel Munguia in San Miguel. In his free time he enjoys swimming, cooking, reading, and playing the piano.
Vicar: Santiago Apostle, Querétaro
Rvdo. Pbro. Adrian Ismael Cajiga Murillo.
Originario de la Ciudad de México. Realizó estudios de Filosofía, obteniendo el Bachillerato
Pontificio en Filosofía por el Instituto Agustiniano en Lomas Verdes, Edo. Mex.; estudios de
Teología y Anglicanismo, obteniendo el grado académico correspondiente por el Seminario de
San Andrés; y es Licenciado en Arquitectura por la UNITEC, campus Atizapán.
Profesionalmente, se ha desempeñado, de manera corporativa e independiente, en el desarrollo y
ejecución de Proyectos Arquitectónicos.
En la actualidad es Vicario de las Congregaciones Anglicanas en Hidalgo, responsable de la Casa
de Espiritualidad de Nopala, y clérigo asociado en la Misión Organizada de Santiago Apóstol en
Querétaro junto con el Rvdo. Pbro. Antonio Pacheco. Es Secretario del Comité de Cánones de la
Diócesis de México.
Originally from Mexico City. He studied Philosophy, obtaining the Baccalaureate
Pontifical in Philosophy by the Augustinian Institute in Lomas Verdes, Edo. Mex.; Studies of
Theology and Anglicanism, obtaining the corresponding academic degree from the Seminary of
San Andrés; and has a degree in Architecture from UNITEC, Atizapán campus.
Professionally, he has performed, in a corporate and independent manner, in the development and
execution of Architectural Projects.
He is currently Vicar of the Anglican Congregations in Hidalgo, responsible for the House
of Spirituality of Nopala, and associate cleric in the Organized Mission of Santiago Apóstol in
Querétaro together with the Rev. Pbro. Antonio Pacheco. He is Secretary of the Fees Committee of the
Diocese of Mexico.
Clergy in Residence
Sells graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1967 with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. After working in the nuclear testing program for the US Government, he went to seminary at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, CA, graduating in 1979. Father Sells served the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming, Utah (for which he was the Diocesan News Coordinator and Editor of the Diocesan monthly paper) and Olympia (WA). He received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, spending time in the VA system working with Vietnam era vets in the Salt Lake City VA hospital. He retired from St. David of Wales in Washington in 2010 and moved to San Miguel de Allende, where he lives with his wife, Elaine. Father Sells is retired, but remains active in the St. Paul's community.
Townsend has been a communicant of St. Paul’s since 2000, actively involved in the liturgical, administrative and pastoral life of the parish. Father Townsend established a Pastoral Care Committee at Holy Cross Church, Kingston, NY, where members received training in empathetic listening and pastoral counseling. He was ordained a deacon at The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, and as a priest by the Right Reverend Carlos Touché-Porter when Touché-Porter was Primate of the Anglican Church in Mexico. Father Ernie holds a Masters degree from Syracuse University’s School of Social Work and Doctorate from New York University’s School of Public Administration. Father Townsend is retired, but remains an active presence at St. Paul’s.
The Reverend Michael Long; Rector Emeritus
The Right Reverend William Gregg PhD; Rector Emeritus
Our Vestry
The Vestry of St. Paul’s is the governing board, chaired by the Rector, with oversight for the guidance and well-being of the parish. With the exception of the Sr. Warden (appointed by the Rector) all vestry members are elected by the parish at its Annual Parish Meeting.
Comprised of 10 members with three year rotating terms, current members are:
Kathy Lapsys; Senior Warden Andrea Spessard; Junior Warden Jeff Spears; Clerk
Jonathan Brown; Chair, Reserve Funds Committee Jeff Arnold; Treasurer
Class of ’26: Jeff Spears, Andrea Spessard, Magaly Trujillo
Class of ’27: Jeff Arnold, Christine Durboraw, Kathy Lapsys
Class of ’28: Sandra López, Patti Morgan, Kenneth Oehlkers