Dear Friends,

St. Paul’s Anglican Church presents this video-offering to our community of San Miguel de Allende during this time of quarantine.

Composed by St. Paul’s music director Sr. Xavier Hernández, ‘Florecer’ (Flowering) is intended as an encouragement from the people of St. Paul’s to the people of our spectacular pueblo. We will once more dance in our streets!

We hope you enjoy and take gladness in this video from our hearts to yours!

The Reverend Canon George F. Woodward III

Queridos amigos,
La Iglesia de San Pablo ofrece este video a la comunidad de San Miguel de Allende durante este tiempo de cuarentena.
Composición del director musical en San Pablo el maestro Xavier Hernández, “Florecer” con la intención desde la Iglesia de San Pablo para mandar fuerza y un mensaje de aliento a la población de este espectacular pueblo. Nosotros bailaremos una vez mas en nuestras calles.
Nosotros esperamos que disfrutes y goces este video, desde nuestros corazones para ustedes.
Padre George F. Woodward III
From the trenches and the protection of my home
I feel that this wait
will see my city flower once more
reborn, like yesterday.
When I found this small part
of the world
I found a place to sow my heart and my soul.
Now I am inside my home
and I can’t see my friends
and give them my love.
No te puedo hoy ver, (I can’t see you now…)
no puedo sentir tu piel, (I can’t feel your arms today…)
pero sé que al fin, (but I know…)
vibrarás tú junto a mí; (you’ll be with me…)
ponto, muy pronto al florecer. (soon, very soon to be reborn…)
When you came to live here
you chose me as your brother
y ahora tú mi hermano eres (and now you are my brother)
parte de mí, en donde estés (part of me, and here where we are)
Soon, very soon, my San Miguel,
I will see you newly reborn
enjoying the mariachis in El Jardin,
contemplating a rosy sunset.
I know very soon my San Miguel
we will return to our festivities;
people of all sorts living together,
and the ringing of the bells will return.
I am singing this song for you my friend
I will feel your hand with me again,
and I want to hear your voice singing with me
‘cause I know this waiting will find an end….
No one can take you away from me,
you have enchanted me once and for all time.
Although we are absent from one another
I know we will be reunited;
Your magic is woven to my being.
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
Calzada del Cardo, 6 Centro 37700, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
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